

Meet Your Coach
Learn About Chris Thide

Navigating a high-stress career spanning investment banking, finance, technology, and retail, I found success but not satisfaction. After nearly 20 years of climbing the corporate ladder, the realization struck: true fulfillment comes only from aligning work with passion. Inspired by my family, I embarked on a journey of transformation. Now, as I pursue ICF Certified Coach accreditation through NYU, I'm dedicated to helping others redesign their careers and lives for genuine happiness. Let's together unlock your potential and create the life you've always envisioned.

• Personal Experience with Transformation:
Leveraging nearly 20 years of corporate experience, I understand the challenges and opportunities of seeking and achieving meaningful change in both career and life.

• Expert Guidance:
As a coach in training to become a Certified Coach through New York University and backed by the International Coaching Federation, I offer professional, evidence-based coaching strategies.

• Corporate Leadership Insight:
My background as a senior leader and consultant for Fortune 500 companies provides a unique perspective on navigating complex professional landscapes.

• Educational Foundation:
Holding a B.A. in Political Science from Brown University, my broad academic and professional experience enriches the coaching process with diverse knowledge and insights.

• New York City-Based:
While I'm based in the heart of New York City, my coaching services extend to clients everywhere, offering support and guidance to those ready to embark on a transformative journey.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of services do you offer?
I'm here to help you with a variety of services tailored to your needs, including career coaching, life coaching, personal development, strategies for career advancement, stress management, achieving work-life balance, leadership skills enhancement, and assistance with resumes and cover letters. Each program is crafted to meet your unique circumstances, providing you with personalized support and direction.

How does life coaching with you work?
Our journey together starts with an initial consultation where we'll dive into your aspirations and hurdles. Based on our conversation, I'll craft a tailored action plan encompassing regular one-on-one discussions, actionable tasks, and ongoing feedback. I'm committed to walking beside you every step of the way, fine-tuning our approach as needed to ensure your growth and success.

What sets your coaching apart from others?
My unique edge lies in the personal touch I bring to our sessions and my dedication to practices grounded in solid evidence. I believe in forging a real connection and crafting strategies that pave the way for genuine, lasting transformation in your life.

Can I be assured of confidentiality in our sessions?
Absolutely. Your privacy and trust are paramount to me. Rest assured, everything we discuss, along with all your personal details, will be held in the strictest confidence, creating a safe and secure space for your growth journey.

How quickly can I expect to see results?
The pace at which you'll see changes varies based on your specific goals and the challenges we're addressing. Many clients report feeling a meaningful shift within the first few months of our partnership. My focus is on fostering enduring growth and change, aiming to make the positive outcomes of our work together last well beyond the duration of our sessions.
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