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Stop Making Sense
You may ask yourself... how did I get here?

Posted 05-21-24
The number one problem my career coaching clients have - once we get past their bad jobs and bad bosses and stupid processes...
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You don't deserve time off on the weekend...
you deserve click-bait headlines?

Posted 05-15-24
Why do you want to spend two whole days each week not working? The weekend is a made up concept. There’s no law of nature requiring it.
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Do you love your job?
Spolier: Probably not!

Posted 05-10-24
Forget ‘love’. Do you even like your job?
Depending on which poll you consult, somewhere between 50-85% of people say ‘No.’ That’s wild.
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Charlesdeluvio rrwivqzlm7k unsplash

Unlock Your Potential: A Guide to Executive Career Coaching

Posted 04-10-24
Are you feeling stuck in your career? Do you find yourself yearning for more fulfillment in your professional and personal life? If so, you might be considering seeking guidance to navigate through these challenges and unlock your true potential. This is where career change and life improvement coaching comes into play.
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Joshua earle ice  bo2vws unsplash

The Pivot Point: Turning Career Crisis into Opportunity

Posted 04-05-24
In every professional's journey, there comes a moment that I like to call "The Pivot Point." It's that critical juncture where what once felt like a career crisis begins to transform into a golden opportunity. For many, this pivot point comes unannounced, often dressed in the guise of dissatisfaction, a layoff, or a seemingly insurmountable challenge at work.
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Joshua earle 9idqigrlute unsplash (1)

Break Free: Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs About Career Fulfillment

Posted 03-23-24
Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about pursuing a career that truly lights you up, only to be met with a chorus of doubts and insecurities? Perhaps you've convinced yourself that it's impractical, unrealistic, or even selfish to follow your passions. But what if I told you that the only thing standing between you and a fulfilling career is your own limiting beliefs?
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