
Testimonials & Reviews
What People Are Saying

“Chris is very insightful. He gave actionable guidance to help me pursue and receive the recognition I deserve at work. Chris has a real passion for helping people. He is kind, patient, knowledgeable, and will work hard to help you achieve your goals.”
— Karenina Gonzalez
     UX/UI Director
"I was looking to move into a C-level role. Chris helped me navigate the prickly and stressful path of deeply defining what I wanted for my career, and how my personal life could continue to fit in to that. He encouraged me to lean into my strengths during my interview process and I got my dream job at the salary that I wanted. He's now helping me find my executive-level voice." 
— Elsa Pereira
     COO, Asphalt Green
"Chris Thide saved my life! Maybe that's hyperbole, but not by much. I was a reluctant coaching recipient. I felt I had a ‘good handle on the situation’ and I was going to turn things around at any moment... except things weren't turning around. It only took Chris asking a few probing questions for me to start finding insight into the real underlying issues. The help Chris provided was incredible: he got me looking at the BIG big picture - of who I am, and what I’m trying to do in my career. He was thorough, well-prepared, and challenging, while always remaining kind and supportive. Chris did an excellent job putting me in touch with my most marketable skills, my truest passions, and how to balance them to move toward a better future."
— Evan Stark
     Producer, Narrative Director
“Chris helped me change my mindset around balancing my life while growing my business. He helped me see ‘impossible’ goals as achievable, transforming self-doubt into determination. With Chris’s support, I’ve pursued my passion to further my career as an artist.”
— Alicia Berbenick
     Illustrator, Writer
 "Within one meeting, Chris succinctly pinpointed a career stumbling block that has swirled around me for two decades. Hearing it reflected back opened a door and clarified the work I need to do. But without Chris holding me accountable, I would have put this deeper, personal career exploration off for years because I am mostly-happy and pretty-successful. With his help, I set a new vision for my career that finally quieted the "what if" voices. Chris asked questions, listened for the nuances of my answers, and assigned 'homework' tailored to help me uncover the false stories I've told myself for years - about how much money I can make and what positions are possible for me. Inertia keeps so many of us on career paths that don't quite fit. I am forever grateful to Chris for his guidance. I found clarity, inspiration, and peace weaving a new vision of my work into my life."  
— Emily Blistein
     Director of Communications, ACSD
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